New. Southern. Film.
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Level Up + Birth of Pleasure

 Level Up + Birth of Pleasure

A dancer struggles to find her footing as a “mid-career" artist. When the personal and the professional become awkwardly entangled, she can no longer avoid the confrontation with her own nebulous sense of success and failure. Directed by Anna Barker, “Level Up” bridges the gap between the formal medium of dance and the lived experience of routine physicality.

Inspired by the writings of Audre Lorde,"Birth of Pleasure" is an erotic disco-ballet that explores eroticism as a means for women to reclaim joy in their jobs, relationships, and identities. Directed by Lev Omelchenko and Anicka Austin, the film subverts accepted ideas of beauty and sensuality and re-imagines those concepts from a feminist perspective.

The 15th annual Carrboro Film Fest is going virtual November 20-29. Rent individual film blocks for $4.99, or stream the entire festival for only $30 on Vimeo On Demand!